Sure, jerseys are nice, but sometimes you just want to wear a t shirt. I’ve searched for the best Ultimate Frisbee T Shirt on the web, and put the candidates into a hand picked list. You can check them out here!
Feel free to use the links to jump to the type of shirt that fits you best, or continue to scroll down and see them all!
Classic Shirts
A classic Ultimate Frisbee t shirt will share your love of the game with anyone you happen to bump into!
Ultimate Evolution
Ultimate with Thrower
Four Corners
Retro Color Drip
Funny Shirts
These funny shirts show off the goofy side of your love for Ultimate Frisbee. Get your laugh on!
Frisbee Science
Game Language
Stop Hammer Time
I’m Good and I Throw It
Friends Style
Church of the Flying Disc
Statement Shirts
Nothing shouts, “I love Ultimate Frisbee” like these shirts! Make a statement with what you wear!
A Day Without Ultimate
Eat Sleep Ultimate Repeat
Never Underestimate a Girl
Warning: I may Spontaneously Talk About Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee Dad
Ultimate Frisbee Mom
Ultimate Frisbee Gear
If you are anything like me (and some of my teammates), you probably want more Ultimate gear than just a t shirt.