With a possibility of safe Ultimate on the horizon, you may be wondering where to find a mask that you can wear while playing Ultimate Frisbee. If you’re not sure what mask will work best for you, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’ll cover what to look for in athletic masks, so you can find the best Ultimate Frisbee mask that works for you.
If you’re in a hurry and just want the best mask available at the best price, check out the mask below.
Under Armour Adult Sports Mask
The Best Ultimate Frisbee Mask
When looking for a mask to play sports in, there are four main topics to consider – washability, comfort, style, and durability.
- Washability. Believe it or not, is the most important. After running around and getting all sweaty, you want a mask that you can just drop into the laundry to get washed easily. For this reason, if you plan playing Ultimate more than once a week, you will probably want more than one mask.
- Comfort and Fit. This is also important, because you don’t want a mask that bothers you while playing, but you want to be sure your mask fits, so it maintains its effectiveness.
- Style. Masks also offer an opportunity at self expression, so the style of mask you have may be important to you.
- Durability. This is important, because you don’t want your mask to break after one or two rounds in the laundry. However, we’re not sure whether or not masks are going to be necessary in 2022 or forward, so this may not be as important as other Ultimate Frisbee gear.
Best Mask
Under Amour Adult Sports Mask