Best Places to Discuss Frisbee Online

Looking for more Frisbee content, Frisbee memes, and Frisbee info? I’ve compiled some of the best places online where you can read, discuss, and learn about Frisbee online. You’ll be able to find what you are looking for here!

Each of the following places brings a bit of something different to the online Frisbee landscape – from news, photos, disc golf, and discussion. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see each place, a short description, and a link. Enjoy!

Reddit – All Things Frisbee Online

One of the main places people go to discuss Frisbee (both Ultimate Frisbee and Disc Golf) is reddit!

Ultimate Frisbee Reddit

Ultimate Frisbee Reddit

Ultimate Frisbee Reddit is one of the most visited, and frequently updated places to view and discuss Ultimate Frisbee news. If you want to see who made the roster of a high profile team, what the recent tournament results were, or the recent Ultimate Frisbee gossip, this is the place to be!

Disc Golf Reddit

Disc Golf Reddit is very similar to Ultimate Frisbee Reddit, but for Disc Golf! Here you can get tips on the best Disc Golf discs, how to improve your game, and the results of the most recent tournament!


If you want up-to-date results on recent tournaments, power rankings, and articles written by highly skilled Ultimate Frisbee players, Ultiworld is where you want to be. Here, you can get good vibe of the disc golf scene. Ultiworld is the central hub for Ultimate Frisbee news – and recently has added Disc Golf to their coverage.

Sin the Fields

Sin the Fields is a podcast by Ultiworld, that features rich Ultimate Frisbee content.

Official Websites for Frisbee Online

Both Ultimate Frisbee and Disc Golf have an official governing body (at least in the United States).

USA Ultimate

USA Ultimate

USA Ultimate is the official governing body of Ultimate Frisbee in the United States. You can check out a ton of great resources, purchase a membership, and view upcoming events.

Score Reporter – USA Ultimate

USA Ultimate has an incredibly useful tool in their Score Reporter. Score Reporter allows tournament directors to immediately upload and manage tournament results as they happen, allowing viewers to check out game and tournament results in real time!



The PDGA is the official governing body of Disc Golf in the United States. PDGA stands for Professional Disc Golf Association. If you are interested in learning about disc golf, following recent news, learning about the disc golf scene, or competing at professional Disc Golf, check it out!

Local Frisbee Organizations for Frisbee Online

No matter where you live, there is likely to be a local Ultimate Frisbee organization near you. Here are two of the largest in the United States.

Minnesota Ultimate

Minnesota Ultimate is likely the largest local youth Ultimate Frisbee organization (by member) in the United States. The Minnesota Ultimate organization supports all parts of Ultimate in Minnesota, including hosting the US Open and YCC Championships for years – but supports a robust and constant youth competitive scene as well.


DiscNW, which stands for Disc Northwest, is another large local Ultimate Frisbee organization. The DiscNW organization is based out of Seattle WA, and also helps organize local and youth events for Ultimate Frisbee in the area.


If you are interested in viewing, or purchasing, amazing Ultimate Frisbee photos, Ultiphotos is the place you want to be. Ultiphotos is the place online to find Ultimate Frisbee photography. If you want something nice to hang on your wall, I suggest checking it out – or checking out this resource as well.

Ulti Analytics

Ulti Analytics is a pretty neat, and powerful, mobile app that many teams use to track their statistics. The app can be downloaded and used on both ios and android devices, and many of the stats can be viewed publicly (like AUDL stats for each team).


Playspedia is a very useful tool, specifically built for Ultimate Frisbee, to draw up and communicate plays across a team. Whether its a zone, a set play out of the vertical stack, or reset handler cuts, Playspedia makes it easy to show and share how a team’s plays work.

Skyd Magazine

Skyd Magazine used to be another location to find Ultimate Frisbee news and articles, similar to Ultiworld. However, articles haven’t been updated since 2019, and I am unsure if they will be updated in the future.



Before Reddit, there was a small corner of Google’s forum feature (which became conversations, in groups), called Rec Sport Disc, or RSD. This un-moderated corner of the internet was the place to go for Ultimate Frisbee news and discussion in the early 2000s. It’s now filled with spam, and ads, but the archives still exist, which provide a snapshot of the Ultimate Frisbee landscape 20+ years ago.

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